Friday, July 17, 2009

HAM (Hawaii AMerica) Speed Challenge

HAM (Hawaii AMerica) Speed Challenge

In the great tradition of the America's Cup, The Army/Navy game and the July 4th hot dog eating contest comes the HAM Speed Challenge. A fight to the death, dog eat dog, gloves off challenge of epic proportions to settle the age old question, does Maui or the Gorge have the fastest windsurfers in the country? In the far west corner drifting off the US Pacific coast you have the Big Wave boys of Maui who brave monster swells and fin eating coral reefs to lay claim to fastest windsurfer over 100 meters. Lurking up in the top left corner of the continental US are the Big Wind warriors of The Gorge, legends in their own lunchtime, but holders of the current 100 meter record of 44.5 knots.
The challenge is simple, from July 1st to December 31st, the 5 fastest 100m GPS speeds from Maui and the 5 fastest 100m GPS speeds from the Gorge will be posted to see who really is the fastest.

The prize: bragging rights and the ability to thumb your nose at the losers knowing you are the fastest windsurfers in the country.....oh, and a nice little trophy!

KISS (Keep It Simple Stupid) rules apply:
Best 5 100 m. windsurfing GPS speeds from 5 different sailors for each team
Average of 5 best 100 m. speeds wins.
Speeds for Maui team can be anywhere in Hawaii.
Speeds for Gorge team anywhere on the Columbia River.
Speeds in doppler from GT-11 or GT-31 GPS units.
All GPS tracks posted to the Speedreader at WWW.KA72.COM and details of run sent to the timekeepers for each team, Tom Hammerton in Maui and Roo in The Gorge

Results and details at &
Open to any windsurfers, pro...amateur...current & ex world record holders...any nationality...any sex...any colour...any weight...any height...any speed!

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